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How to have a safe Halloween with your dog
Halloween is one of our favorite holidays and it can be lots of fun to get your dogs involved on the special day. While you can include your dog in some of the festivities, there are some things to be cautious of. We made a list of 5 ways to ensure you can have a safe Halloween with your dog.
1. Save the candy and chocolate for the trick-o treaters only.
Chocolate and many artificial sweeteners used in Halloween treats can be very toxic to dogs. Not only that, but they may ingest the wrapper which can also be very dangerous.
Keep any treats out of reach for pets. If you want to include your dog in the trick our treating fun, try some festive dog friendly treats like our homemade peanut butter pumpkin treats, or purchase a treat like these.
2. Use caution when dressing up your dog up in a costume.
Dressing up is always fun and it can be tempting to get your dogs into all of the cute costumes. Firstly, when picking out a costume, it is important to keep your dogs personality in mind. Choose costumes that do not have pieces that could easily be chewed off or potential choking hazards. It is also important that the costumes allow enough breathing room and do not restrict movement or vision.
Always ensure that your dog is also wearing their appropriate tags and ID. If you notice your dogs demeanour changes to one of stress with the costume, just remove it entirely. An option for dogs that not like being dressed up is a festive bowtie, bandana or collar. Our friends over at Coconut Collars make some great options.
3. Skip the Trick-o treating and get your dog out for a walk ahead of time or afterwards.
While trick-o-treating is generally a walking activity, taking your dog may not be the best decision.
Even the calmest dogs, may experience stress from the excitement of the evening and get spooked.
To avoid potential unnecessary incidents, take your dog for a walk pre or post prime trick-o- treating times. However, if you still decide to bring your dog along for the outdoor activities, keep it on a short leash and try using an LED collar for better visibility.
4. Create a safe space for your dog.
Halloween can be a busy evening with visitors arriving at the door, and too many strangers can often be scary and stressful for pets. It can be easy for animals to slip through the door unnoticed.
For instance, if you are expecting lots of people during the peak hours, consider moving your dog to a quiet room, away from the door. Be sure to leave them with a toy, a comfy bed or blanket, water, and a special treat to keep them occupied.
If you have a reactive dog, try putting a sign out asking people to refrain from ringing the doorbell.
5. Keep the decorations dog friendly.
We love carving pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns look great, however dogs are curious animals that get tempted to explore new things, especially with their mouth! Your home is also your dog’s safe place, so new objects or scary sounds can be stressful for them.
If you are decorating inside the house, slowly show your dog the decorations as you put them up. Keep any wires or electrical cords covered to avoid your dog potentially chewing on them.
Candles are a fire hazard and can easily be knocked over by curious canines. Consider replacing your jack-o’-lantern candle with a battery-operated flame or led light.
We hope you enjoy this list of ways to have a safe Halloween with your dog. Will you be dressing up your four-legged friend this Halloween?
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